Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar
Méréstechnika és Információs Rendszerek Tanszék


Forging technology from science


R&D projects

In the last 25 years, our research group participated in more than 20 EU cooperative research projects (FP4-H2020) and more than 25 direct industry collaborations. In our R&D projects, we develop new, innovative software-based solutions that help engineers create better systems.

EU collaborative projects
Cooperation with industry
National and bilateral projects


Addressing V&V Challenges in Future CPS

The “Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems” (ADVANCE) H2020 RISE research project has started this year with the participation of researchers from our research group working on the challenges of future cyber-physical systems. The project runs for 4 years, and its total budget is € 657 800.


Arrowhead Tools

European investment for Digitalisation Leadership

With the participation of BME TMIT and ftsrg, the „Arrowhead Tools” H2020 ECSEL project has started, which is the largest European industrial digitalization and automation R&D project. The project has more than 80 partners including AITIA, evopro Innovation and IncQuery Labs.


Full publication list |Datasets |Slides

Our research group regularly publishes papers in the leading venues of software engineering (TSE, IST, STTT), model-driven engineering (MODELS, SoSyM), formal verification (TACAS, JAR) and software testing (ICST, STVR).

Automated generation of consistent models using qualitative abstractions

Softw Syst Model 2022

Automated generation of consistent models using qualitative abstractions

We designed new algorithms to combine various solvers for synthesizing test scenarios represented as graph models.

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Automated Generation of Consistent Graph Models with Multiplicity Reasoning

IEEE T Software Eng 2022

Automated Generation of Consistent Graph Models with Multiplicity Reasoning

We designed a new method to solve optimization problems during graph generations according to various object functions.

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Using Fault Injection to Assess Blockchain Systems in Presence of Faulty Smart Contracts

IEEE Access 2020

Using Fault Injection to Assess Blockchain Systems in Presence of Faulty Smart Contracts

In a collaboration with University of Coimbra, we recommended a method to assess the dependability of blockchain systems.

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Gamma statechart composition framework

Gamma statechart composition framework

The Gamma modeling toolset helps to design and formally verify component-based reactive systems and can generate implementations automatically.

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Theta model checking framework

Theta model checking framework

The Theta model checking framework is a collection of modern, abstraction refinement-based algorithms, which can be tailored to the give problem due to their configurability.

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VIATRA Solver graphgenerator framework

VIATRA Solver is a framework, which can automatically and efficiently generate consistent and diverse graphs from domain-specific models.

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Events and awards


Hungarian Young Academy

Zoltan Micskei was elected a member of the HYA

The Hungarian Young Academy aims to support junior scientists and to get their voices heard by decision-makers. The Academy elects 12 members every year under the age of 40 based on scientific excellence and the activity planned.


Youth Award of the Hungarian Academy

Academy Youth Award for Oszkár Semeráth

Oszkár Semeráth received the Academy Youth Award from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) in 2021 for his work on graph-based reasoning and verification. Every year 22 young researchers receive the award from all fields.

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